Welcome to an epic saga, the Final Fantasy series! The 14th edition features an MMO play style (Mass-Multiplayer Online) offering a variety of realms to explore with exquisite beauty and detail to match.
*Just a quick disclaimer – I’m starting out in Ul’dah, so the beginning of my story may vary from your own experience (if you’ve played.) Also, I won’t be going into Class or Side Quests, since there is already SO MUCH to cover in the MSQ (Main Scenario Quests.) Oh, and SPOILERS!!!*
The Story starts out with a heavy political influence, name-drops, and data-dumps – which can make it initially difficult to follow for new-comers. That being said, it becomes readily apparent when looking back on everything that there was a TON of foreshadowing to future expansions! Way more than I originally gave the writers credit for! Either that, or the writers for future expansions decided to retroactively pull under-the-radar characters from the past and give them a spotlight.

The story starts with you awakening from an ethereal dream involving a voice and a giant crystal. You find yourself on a wagon with a friendly traveler and sleeping Elezen twins. After getting ambushed by bandits, you arrive in the city-state of Ul’dah.
Your first task is to retrieve a runaway noblewoman (who in my opinion is a tad prissy), but here you are introduced to Thancred. When attempting to escort the woman back to Ul’dah, the three of you are attacked by a small monster, namely a creature of the void.
You continue to experience strange blackouts and ephemeral dreams where a disembodied voice calls to you. After recovering from this incident, you find the gift of a shard from the MotherCrystal: Hydaelyn. Thancred checks on you, and the noblewoman is escorted home.

In Ul’dah, you discover more about bandit and Beast Tribe raids, food shortages, and drought. Despite being a wealthy city-state, there’s only a finite amount of resources, and soon food will be worth more than gold.
There’s also mention of a Syndicate who threatens the Sultana’s power with their own purse-strings and influence, Lord Lolorito to be specific. The diadem is stolen right out from under Sultana Nanamo’s nose. If that comes to public knowledge, it will undermine her respect among the people, let alone trust in being able to handle Ul’dah’s political affairs.
You recover the diadem from the thieves, and come across a masked mage. The mage summons a monster to vanquish you, but is caught off guard by his own defeat and vanishes into thin air. Thancred arrives, and explains that this was an Ascian, a “Bringer of Chaos.”

To thank you for your service, Nanamo invites you to a royal banquet, where her right hand man, Raubahn, regales you with tales of the once known “Warriors of Light.” This sends you into another blackout, where you see past events unfold before you, detailing the destruction of The Calamity. This was a bloodbath of carnage that took place 5 years ago, where Louisoix and the Eorzean Alliance faced the threat of the Garleans and a summoned Primal, Bahamut. People all across the realm know of the Warriors of Light who were a massive contribution to their success and safety. Though these warriors have seemingly vanished, and no one can recall their names or faces.

Flame General Raubahn wants to honor those fallen in The Calamity with a memorial service at the 5 year anniversary, and bids you go deliver the missives to the other city-state leaders in Gridania (Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna) and Limsa Lominsa (Admiral Merlwyb).
Meanwhile, at the Garlean Empire… they recount the tale 15 yrs ago for the battle of Mor Dhona. This was leading up to their goal of conquering Eorzea, but they fell at the wrath of dragons, led by Midgardsormr. What the Garleans lack in magic, they make up for in technology – namely, magitek. They believe Eorzea is a realm of false gods, and that order is needed to bring the misguided savages out of chaos. Here we see “Gaius van Baelsar’s” first appearance as a leader of the Garlean army. We also see the initial appearance of Nero tol Scaeva, who executes an Eorzean double-agent within their ranks.

According to the Elder Seedseer, Solus zos Galvus is the first and reigning Emperor of Garlemald, the region that was responsible for the conquering and development of the Garlean Empire. Because he is getting older, the succession of the throne has destabilized the imperial court, which is why the Empire has been less active in the past 5 years. However, Gaius still continues the war efforts, as do the Beast Tribes who summon their Primals (god-like beings). Eorzea is in serious trouble.
Upon return to Ul’dah, you come across a disturbance in the streets between a merchant and refugee, debating of whether food was bought or stolen. The merchants are an unsavory lot, claiming they won’t turn her into the authorities as long as she performs “whatever services they require” … use your imagination. The woman appeals to you for aid in this street fight, which you finish off quite nicely.
Another blackout leads you to witness the political state Ul’dah is left in, with incoming refugees, increased crime, and financial instability among the commoners.
Upon waking, you come across Thancred. He’s impressed with your courage to stand up for the refugee woman, and states that your characteristics are exactly what he’s looking for in an adventurer. He reveals that he too has a friend who experiences the same blackout visions that you do. He introduces the name of their order “The Scions of the Seventh Dawn” and invites you to join.
*(At this point, I’m assuming the story is the same no matter which city-state you may have started in.)*
You make your way out to the Waking Sands, where the headquarters for the group is based, and find Tataru the receptionist. She allows you in to meet Minfilia (the Antecedent) as well as the others: Papalymo, Yda, Y’shtola, Urianger, and Thancred. Of course, this counts only six… Louisoix was the 7th and the prior leader who died in The Calamity. The Scions primary objective is the preservation of the future for all Eorzea. Minfilia explains that your visions are a power known as “the Echo” which allow you to see a person’s memories as well as the truth in their thoughts. Minfilia asks if you would lend your power to help them overcome the threat of the Beast Tribe Primals threatening Eorzea. She entrusts you with the Scion’s password: Wild Rose.

Your first task as a new Scion is to investigate the robbery of a caravan, which points to the Amalj’aa Beast Tribe, who worship their Primal Ifrit. You along with soldiers from the Immortal Flames (Ul’dah) use the prior unsavory merchant as bait to lure out the Amalj’aa warriors… only to find that he double-crossed you and betrayed your intentions to the Amalj’aa. You’re hit with a burst of black magic, and taken within the depths of the Amalj’aa domain. They call a summoning for Ifrit, and offer you and your comrades as a sacrifice to their deity. Little did the merchant know that the Beast Tribes would sacrifice him alongside you, and betray their prior agreement… nice for him to get a taste of his own medicine.
Ifrit breathes blue fire on all the captives, but you are immune to the effects. The others immediately start worshipping Ifrit, their minds overtaken. Infuriated that you have not fallen under the same trance, Ifrit initiates a scorching battle to the death. After rising victorious, you receive a red crystal shard… and a new vision. Upon waking, you find that THANCRED IS ALWAYS LATE TO SHOW UP!!! Though he does make it up to you by slaying the Amalj’aa summoning leader. Out of sight, Nero tol Scaeva and his colleague Livia sas Junius were lurking to observe the battle from above.

When returning to the Waking Sands, Thancred explains that Primals feed on aether in order to maintain their physical forms – the more aether available, the stronger the Primal becomes. Aether is a substance that flows through all life, but a more concentrated source of aether exists in crystals. Normally, the Primals are invisible and immaterial in the river of aether which flows throughout the realm. It’s only when their followers amass crystals and cry out in faith or distress that it acts as a beacon to draw a specific Primal. Once the Primal is formed, it gains further strength from the intensity of worship and number of devoted souls present. The “thrall” is what Primals use to convert those who are not followers into mindless worshipers so that they can enhance its power. Those who have the Echo are immune to this thrall.
Unfortunately, you find out that the other prisoners, including your comrades, are to be put to death. There is no way to undo a tempering of the spirit, and Eorzea cannot afford the risk of Primals to draw even greater strength in numbers. It’s for this reason that Primals are so dangerous and must be stopped, so no more innocents can be sacrificed. Thancred bids you farewell in order to give the Flame General his condolences… grieving that Louisoix would never have allowed circumstances to come to this. For this reason, he strives to be stronger.
The fame of defeating Ifrit has garnered attention for you from all three city-states, and you are given the opportunity to choose which Grand Company you would serve. You are bid to attend the memorial services for each city-state in order to assist in making your decision. Minfilia gives you a linkshell to stay in contact with her over long distances REGARDLESS of your location!!! So all this nonsense about going 10,000 yalms away for a quest, only to be called back to the Waking Sands, and sent BACK to the exact same location for another trivial task, which was related to that earlier quest is absolute and utter bullshit!!! This happens on multiple occasions, to the point where you believe she is either oblivious as a delegator or hazing you as the newbie on purpose! And keep in mind, this was before you can fly! You may not even have a chocobo yet!

At each gathering, you are introduced officially to Alphinaud and Alisaie, the Elezen twins on the caravan when you were first making your way into the city. Alphinaud enlightens you to the symbolic meanings of each flag, as well as the forces each city-state must deal with inside their borders. He and Alisaie go on to mock the rallies afterwards. Alphinaud strokes his own ego and self-importance as a Scion. Alisaie fumes that her grandfather (Louisoix) wouldn’t have entrusted the fate of the realm to those who choose to “re-write” history by omitting crucial details for convenience’s sake. Alisaie storms out, believing there must be another way to solve the issues at hand, and so the twins separate.
After choosing a Grand Company, your first task is to rescue, of all people, magitek engineers! Their ship has been attacked by Garlean imperial forces, and downed. One has escaped, and the other is still hiding aboard the craft. They are surrounded by enemies who call them “traitors.” This duo is Biggs and Wedge – a classic pairing from past Final Fantasy games. Not only that, but their captain “Master Garlond” has been missing since The Calamity. Minfilia promptly welcomes them to the Waking Sands as allies.
Next, you must evaluate the political standing with the Sylphs in Gridania. Due to their seeming inability to summon Ramuh, it may be possible to garner a diplomatic and peaceful relationship. If so, then the Elder Seedseer can turn all her focus to the threat of Garuda, the Ixal Primal instead.

When coming to the Sylphlands, you realize that their leader has fled from Garlean soldiers. You must undertake a dungeon in order to rescue Frixio, the only one who can barter peace on behalf of their Beast Tribe. When infiltrating the perilous domain, you come across the masked Ascian once more, who recognizes you as a Warrior of Light. You discover his name is Lahabrea. After defeating his next enormous summon, Frixio is released, and you make your way back to the Sylphlands. You learn that the normal Sylphs have no desire for war, and even the “touched” Sylphs of Ramuh are not truly a danger. They take on the personality aspects of their deity, which with Ramuh means that they are merely territorial of their homeland. They will not stir up trouble, as long as no one trespasses on their ground. Therefore, peace is (mostly) secured. As a token of trust, Frixio gives you a crystal that was obtained from Ramuh, and you receive another vision of the MotherCrystal Hydaelyn. You return with good news of peace to Gridania, and proceed back to the Waking Sands.

The next Beast Tribe to contend with are the Kobolds who are working to summon their Titan. Admiral Merlwyb grants you her support in Limsa Lominsa, and Y’shtola accompanies you to the Company of Heroes—a band of mercenaries who defeated Titan once before. After a challenge and festivities, the leader of this band tells you how they navigated through the mines to the heart of the Primal’s lair. The kobolds have an aetheryte of their own, which will allow direct teleportation to key points within their maze. Y’shtola believes she can properly access and route the aetheryte, though she will need to remain behind in order to amplify the aetheryte’s power long enough for you to return safely.

Arriving in the depths of the Kobold sanctuary, they successfully summon Titan to bring your doom. After defeating the Primal and obtaining the remaining crystal, the Kobolds are outraged and in disarray – vowing their vengeance! Nero tol Scaeva has once again observed the battle out of sight, and is far more impressed with the aetheral outputs emanating from the Titan battle. Y’shtola manages to secure the aetheryte and teleport through, long enough to eavesdrop on the conversation between him and Lahabrea. She finds that he has been working on experiments that will result in the subjugation of all Eorzea. The Ascians and Garlean Empire are working together! After they disappear, Y’shtola approaches you and teleports you out of the Kobold domain.

To congratulate you for the victory, Minfilia requests your presence back at the Waking Sands. Though when you arrive, you find a massacre. By using your Echo ability, you’re able to see the events that took place from one of the last remaining survivors. Minfilia was captured by Livia sas Junius, and her squadron of Garleans are responsible for the slaughter all around you. The victim urges you to visit a church in Eastern Thanalan with their final breath. The Priest there proves to be a friend of Minfilia, and offers “Marques” to assist you going forward. “Marques” is a survivor of The Calamity, and was found wandering in the desert on the brink of death. Unfortunately, The Calamity took a toll on his memories, and he doesn’t know what happened or who he is.
When working with “Marques”, you are assaulted by a stranger, who is intent on harming him. Bringing the defeated assailant’s sword to the Priest, it is identified as a Garlean weapon, but neither “Marques” nor the Priest understand why the Garleans mean him harm. Of all times, Alphinaud comes striding in, and recognizes “Marques” to be none other than Cid Nan Garlond, the captain of Wedge and Biggs. The very same man who’s been missing for 5 years since The Calamity. What’s more, Alphinaud mentions that the most destructive persona of the Primals has arisen: Garuda. To reach her, the Scions (or what’s left of them) need an airship… Cid’s airship.

In order to retrieve The Enterprise, Cid’s ship, you must make your way into Ishgardian territory, where “Here, there be dragons!” A massive sleeping one to be exact, as well as a certain masked Ascian to wake the beast just as you discover the downed airship. Cid and Alphinaud attempt to get it running while you take on the winged serpent alone. After conquering it and regaining yet another crystal, Cid gets the ship into working order and struggles to tap into fragmented memories of his past.
Now, the only thing stopping you from confronting the bloodthirsty and maniacal Primal is the Howling Eye, a tempest of winds so severe that they would shred your airship to splinters. Cid recalls from his time under the tutelage of a scholar that a corrupted crystal may break through the swirling tornado of aether, allowing safe passage to the Lady of the Vortex herself… Garuda. While you go and obtain a corrupted crystal, Cid restores The Enterprise to optimum working condition. When Cid struggles once more to regain his memory, this time you accompany him in an Echo flashback of his mind.
Cid recalls his past in Garlemald, remembering why he chose to become an engineer like his father… and how they inevitably grew distant from each other when it came to the Garlean Empire’s values. He turned to Gaius “the Black Wolf” to fill his void for an absent father… though it turned out Gaius was no better. With nowhere left to turn, Cid fled to Eorzea and built Ironworks with Biggs and Wedge. At this point, he sees the light of your Echo, and it illuminates the rest of his memories, bringing his identity and purpose to the forefront.

Cid proceeds to sail you directly to the brink of Garuda’s sanctuary, and here you realize that she is even more massive than Titan or Ifrit. She is feeding on the zealous faith of the Ixali Beast Tribe, as well as the lifeforce of aether from Amalj’aa and Kobold prisoners. The Ixal demand your blood as sacrifice for their deity. THIS IS MY FAVORITE PRIMAL! The power of wind, the battle music, the overall design of the Lady of the Vortex… as the most GORGEOUS HARPY EVER!
After slaying her the first time, she recovers from the prayers of the Ixali. Garuda tries to make you a thrall (to which I say “TAKE ME!”) but you overcome this power with the Echo and obtain the next crystal from Garuda, completing the full set in your world of visions. Enraged at her defeat, she cries out in consternation by your resilience. Gaius shows up, spurring her to further violence by slaughtering her Ixali followers. By turning her wrath upon the prisoners, they summon Titan and Ifrit, and she intends to swallow their aetheral power. However, Gauis summons his own magitek version of a Primal, who consumes all three Primals with ease, absorbing their power into its own. You flee, but not before observing the might of this Ultima Weapon.

Now that the threat of Garuda is eliminated… for now… Alphinaud turns his sights to rebuild the Scions. You find Biggs and Wedge in the snow, thus reuniting the Garlond Ironworks crew, who are ecstatic to see their captain alive and well! Returning to the Waking Sands, you find Yda and Y’shtola who have a lead on where the Scion prisoners were taken – the imperial stronghold in Mor Dhona. Cid offers insight as to why Gaius would want Minfilia… the power of the Echo and its ability to resist a Primal’s enthralling power.
You defeat a suit of magitek armor in Mor Dhona so that Cid can reprogram it for your team’s purpose of infiltrating the Imperial Castrum Fortress. When the Garleans come to retrieve their prize or destroy it altogether (and thus prevent you from using it) you defeat the ambush. The magitek suit of armor whirs to life, responding to your spirit. Thus, you have become the proud owner of this enchanted technology. Using the enemy’s attire as a disguise, you waltz right through the gates of Castrum Centri with an Imperial Salute. Upon successful infiltration, you speak with other Garleans and discern the location of the Scion prisoners.

Meanwhile, Livia sas Junius is torturing Minfilia for information of the Echo. Since the Antecedent of the Scions will not deliver, they are to be transferred for more… physical experimentation. Minfilia warns that if they hurt the other Scions—Tataru, Papalymo, and Urianger—then she will commit suicide, and they will never find the answers they are looking for. You, Biggs, and Wedge storm in with the magitek armor to set the Scion prisoners free. Papalymo wonders where Thancred is, since no one else has seen him.
With your cover blown, you must battle through one Emperial squadron after another to hasten your escape from the fortress. Y’shtola and Yda aid as reinforcements, though your team is still heavily outnumbered. The magitek armor fails, though Cid remotely takes over and transmits a message to you. Your team jumps off a cliff to make their getaway, just as Cid swoops under with The Enterprise to carry you all away safely.
Gaius releases the Ultima Weapon in an attempt to take down your airship. He’s fuming that the people of Eorzea are so willingly blind to the salvation the Empire offers. He simply wishes to save them from their Primals and false deities. Looking on the monstrosity from afar, Alphinaud notices the masked Ascian standing side-by-side with Gaius. To the horror of the Scions, Lahabrea removes his mask and reveals himself as none other than… THANCRED?!

Reeling so hard from this moment, I contacted my friend immediately in real life, and demanded to know what the hell was going on! Thancred was Bae!!! How could this happen?! WHY would he betray us?!?!?! My friend just laughed and told me to keep going with the story, and so I did – pushing on relentlessly!
Alphinaud is also shaken by crisis, blaming himself for recommending that Thancred investigate the Ascians to begin with! He had no idea that Thancred was one of them! It’s a small wonder that Livia knew exactly where to find their HQ and make their strike on Minfilia as well as the others.
On the airship, Minfilia discovers that Gaius has issued an ultimatum to the Eorzean Alliance leaders, who are discussing their fate at the Royal Promenade in Ul’dah. The Scions burst through the doors of their deliberation none too soon, as the leaders of each city-state were nearly ready to surrender to the Ultima Weapon. Alphinaud, Minfilia, and Cid rekindle their spirits once again, reminding the leaders of all their people fought and died for in The Calamity… They cannot give up everything which their people hold dear, and ready themselves to face the towering threat in the coming war.

After uniting the Eorzeans, Minfilia worries over another matter. She delves into the nature of Ascians, and reveals that they hold no true physical form… which means that Thancred never betrayed them. Rather, he has been possessed by the Ascian being, Lahabrea. Enlisting the help of the Students of Baldesion, Minfilia attains a Crystal of Darkness, which should be the key to Thancred’s salvation. She reminisces on your actions, and speculates that you may be Hydaelyn’s chosen as the newest Warrior of Light, since The Calamity.
Alphinaud and Minfilia devise a plan to neutralize the Garlean’s surrounding fortresses, in order to give you the greatest chance of defeating the Ultima Weapon. Eorzea rises as a united force to take on the Garlean Empire, led by Gaius the “Black Wolf.”

You go on to conquer Castrum Occidens within Limsa Lominsa’s borders. Your first major task in the battle is to fell Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, one of the primary lackeys of Gaius, a massive Tank of a man. He urges you to see reason from The Black Wolf… to save Eorzea from itself, and embrace the organized peace and stability the Garlean Empire offers. When you refuse to back down, he swears to lay you low, only to be defeated by your might!
Your next task is to infiltrate Castrum Meridanum and disable the magitek field generator at the Den of the Wolf himself! But Gaius has witnessed your attack on his men, and sent Livia and Nero to intercept you. And so the final battle begins (with the music being INCREDIBLE!) Cid accompanies you, blasting your way through the fortress. Livia arrives to counter-strike with a magitek reaper of her own. She puts up a good fight, but falls by your hand regardless – her hopes and dreams dying with her.

The Praetorium awaits, containing the Ultima Weapon in the depths of the complex! Gaius faces you and Cid, though he reveals the truth of Cid’s father… Apparently the man regretted his life and purpose of serving the Garlean Empire. Cid’s father lamented that he wasn’t there for Cid in his earlier years, and restrained himself from encouraging Cid in more peaceful endeavors which he knew would satisfy him… It would’ve been contrary to the Empire’s strategy. In this moment, Gaius invites Cid to return home and take his father’s place in the Garlean Empire as a Lead Engineer. Cid refuses, and Gaius raises his blade to call forth another magitek monstrosity before retreating deeper into the complex.

After slaying the adversary, Cid realizes he can use the magitek control room to the team’s advantage! He monitors the entire area while remaining in contact with your linkpearl. By happy coincidence, your magitek armor is restored within the facility and still recognizes you! Blasting a hole into the next room it subsequently deactivates from lack of energy. This reveals Nero to be your next foe, who picks up your linkshell signal and hears Cid’s voice! Nero has been jealous of Cid this entire time, discontent to live in his shadow as the prodigy of magitek! Despite Nero’s loyalty to the Empire, and Cid’s traitorous abandonment, Nero has always been praised as second place to Cid, following in his footsteps… When promotion came available, Gaius offered the position first to Cid instead of him! Seeking to prove himself once and for all, he attacks! Fleeing after you soundly defeat him, he warns that your demise is certain! The Ultima Weapon has become fully activated!
Making your way into the depths of the fortress, Gaius confronts you again, challenging your ideals, claiming they are all founded on lies. He argues that The Twelve deities of the Eorzeans are just the same as the Beast Tribe Primals, beings summoned with life-force and crystals of aether. They are only existing to bleed the land and its people dry. Why do the so-called intelligent leaders still grovel before the Twelve? The answer is that they are too weak to do anything else, and resort to guiding their masses into false worship. Gaius claims that he will earn his right of power to rule, doing so by laying waste to your existence. Unable to defeat you in one-on-one combat, he finally resorts to the mighty Ultima Weapon!

When even the Ultima Weapon fails to destroy you, Lahabrea/Thancred appears, explaining that the crystals and Light of Hydaelyn protect you beyond mortal limits. He reveals a dormant ancient magic to strengthen the Heart of the Ultima Weapon… which will in essence cause an ancient god to be reborn! A battle ensues that will determine the future of Eorzea! When conquering this enormous menace, Gaius cannot accept defeat, but appeals to you as a warrior of power… and begs you to realize his dreams to save Eorzea as its new Ruler.
Lahabrea/Thancred reappears, and mocks Gaius’ demise. He believes the balance between Light and Dark has become horribly lopsided, and wants to bring more Darkness to restore balance in the realm. He believes he can only do this by introducing more chaos into the world. Therefore you “The Bringer of Light” and the Scions must be destroyed! Upon defeating this final boss, you and Lahabrea retreat into the same Echo vision. The MotherCrystal urges you to forge a blade of light from the crystals to banish the Darkness. As Lahabrea charges you in Thancred’s form, you exorcise him, driving the Ascian spirit from Thancred’s body. Your allies reunite with you in the vision, and you all blast forth to annihilate Lahabrea!

Returning from the vision, you watch as Gaius remains behind to die as the flaming structure explodes all around him. Your magitek armor leaps into the fray, rescuing you and Thancred’s unconscious form, making haste from the deteriorating scene. The MotherCrystal Hydaelyn congratulates you on your victory, and beckons you to be a source of light for all the realm. The Scions and leaders of Eorzea rejoice upon seeing your safe return!
Alphinaud suspects that Lahabrea is not quite dead, and believes there is a future threat of more Ascians to come. However, he is relieved with the peace that has temporarily been won, and achieving his Grandfather Louisoix’s dream.

The leaders of the Eorzean Alliance come together, claiming that they are uniting all as one for a better Eorzea. “The Seventh Astral Era is come! And thus ours is A Realm Reborn!”
Follow the AMAZING music in the credits, which features the song “Answers.” It was composed by Nobuo Uematsu, and performed by Susan Calloway. Absolutely stunningly beautiful… Just added it to my Estate Orchestrion, courtesy of my awesome crafting friend – love you Dani!
Looking forward to building up to the Shadowbringers expansion which is currently out, and AMAZING!! Check out the next segment of this series: “FFXIV: Seventh Astral Era (Part 2)” – Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!
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This is fantastic! I think we get caught up in everything outside of the MSQ and so we lose track of the events and the overall narrative as a whole. Thank you for writing this as it really makes me appreciate the story of this game even more.
I love final fantasy but I skipped a lot of the story. I plan on going back in another play through but this helped me so much. I can’t wait to see it all. I’m psyched.
Thank you so much! ♥ Glad to hear you guys like it! I missed a lot of the story on my first play-through as well, and I was amazed to find some of the hidden easter eggs from the very beginning that are pertinent to Stormblood and Shadowbringers! The second time around, a lot of other things became clear in the original plot that were difficult to pick up on initially due to dialogue. 🙂 I’m hoping that this series helps a lot of people with recaps in the future!
Damn this is some good stuff
ooh this is great 😀 i like very much
Pretty captivating <3